Communication Strategy

Sustain user interest through a strategy-driven approach and a consistent brand presence across all channels.

Why is communication strategy great for your business?

Alignment with business goals

Our strategic approach to brand messaging ensures that every communication effort contributes to your overarching goals, whether it's boosting brand awareness, driving sales, or building long-term customer relationships

Targeted engagement

When discussing communication strategy, we don't mean marketing hacks or blindly following social media trends. Instead, we focus on gaining a profound understanding of your target audience and their desires, fostering a deeper connection and customer trust.

Distinctive brand voice

At hero/dot, our communication plan aligns seamlessly with your business requirements while allowing room for creative exploration. The outcome? Thoughtfully curated content that matches your brand message and drives engagement.

Strategic partnerships

Our service transforms your brand recognition goals into reality through strategic engagement with partners and sponsors. By connecting with other parties, we enhance your brand visibility and credibility, creating valuable opportunities for growth and collaboration.

Clear messaging

Clear, consistent, and authentic – with a carefully planned communication strategy, your messages become just that. This is essential for building a strong brand image, as customers can in the blink of an eye understand what your brand stands for.


In an ever-evolving landscape, a community ecosystem provides a framework that is adaptable and flexible. This allows you to respond to changing audience desires, shifts in market conditions, and emerging trends while remaining true to your brand's core message and values.


Anna Rózga

Engagement Designer

Communication strategy services

Meet the community ecosystem

A well- balanced ecosystem is key to a thriving and sustainable brand community. Each party brings something unique to the table, and there are many connections between different groups.

User tribes
With demographics becoming a thing of the past, we shift towards motivations, lifestyles, core values, and personalities when defining target audiences. User tribes represent a group of individuals who identify with each other based on their interactions, interests, and shared experiences.
Influencers & ambassadors
Influencers and ambassadors are like superheroes with the incredible ability to extend the brand's reach to a wider audience. Their endorsement lends credibility and authenticity to the brand, making influencer marketing a powerful tool for building trust among potential customers.
Sponsors & partners
Sponsorships and partnerships bring in expertise and resources crucial for the success and sustainability of community activities. They offer financial support for events, campaigns, or initiatives, resulting in mutually beneficial outcomes – a true win-win situation!
Offline clients
For brands extending beyond the digital realm, incorporating offline presence and customers into the ecosystem is vital. Their participation in real-world activities adds a tangible and personal dimension to the community, nurturing stronger connections and loyalty.
case study image
Jaga Token: revitalising fan engagement through blockchain technology logo

Jaga Token: revitalising fan engagement through blockchain technology

Jagiellonia Białystok is a professional football club from Poland. Faced with challenges posed by COVID-19 restrictions, they teamed up with hero/dot to develop a brand-new strategy for boosting fan engagement. This led to the creation of Jaga Token – an exclusive club currency powered by blockchain technology. This new club token brings the fan experience to the next level while providing faster and more secure transactions.

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Leszek ZarembaCEO
Want to take your communication strategy to the next level?Leszek is here to answer any of your questions, and come up with a solution that works for your business. Let’s get in touch and make it happen!